Turnkey Residential Construction Solutions

Complete Your Entire Residential Construction and Remodeling Project Under One Roof

turnkey-residential-construction-solutionsEvery home hides limitless possibilities for making it unique from artistic designs to custom residential carpentry focused on comfort and efficiency. Most homeowners are likely to have a desire to improve one or more spaces in their home, making it their own. Even with a tight budget and a list full of not-so-affordable ideas, Imagineer Remodeling, offers a variety of services to help make your dreams a reality.

Our Method: Turnkey Residential Construction Solutions

turnkey-residential-construction-solutionsIn contrast to the traditional model of home remodeling, we maintain turnkey residential construction solutions, where we produce the complete design and construction ready for client move-in. We do everything from facilitating the project management, assisting with the material selection, designing, engineering, and the construction all under one roof.Imagineer Remodeling is unique in that we have consolidated the builder, architect and interior designer all under one roof. This allows us to consistently maintain a comprehensive perspective throughout the complete process of renovation and remodeling your home.The Imagineer Remodeling Showroom in Westlake Village offers samples and solutions to all your residential and commercial construction needs. Our distinctive custom design and construction concepts are not only distinctive; they are affordable and within your reach.

Call us at (805)-371-7488

to schedule a free in-home consultation.

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Fall Home Improvement Checklist


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