What Causes Mold in Your Toilet & How to Remove It

Mold is a fungus that is found in warm and damp conditions. It can become a huge problem if it starts to grow in your house, especially your toilet. Not only is it a big health hazard for people living in the house but it can also cause structural damage.Is your toilet infested with mold?Don’t know why your toilet gets mold even though you clean it regularly?To find the answer to these questions you need to understand what causes mold in the toilet and how to remove it. So, let’s dive deeper into this.

How Does Mold Grow?

Mold reproduces through spores. These tiny microscopic particles attach themselves to moisture. Warm temperatures act as a catalyst in this process. The mold starts appearing within 48 hours of spores landing on a moist surface.Once it starts to grow, it gets very difficult to stop and remove it. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is best to let professional mold removers handle it.To put things into perspective, mold is a fungus that flourishes in warm and damp conditions. This is why it grows in places such as toilets. It offers perfect breeding conditions for molds to grow. Also, the amount of mold growth in your toilet depends upon the calcium deposits in your toilet.And it is not just bathrooms and toilets that offer such good conditions, you also should be aware that areas like the kitchen, basement, and laundry room are also quite susceptible to mold growth.To avoid mold growth in your house, make sure that there is no stagnant water in your house. It grows mostly in toilets that are infrequently used. That is why it is important you clean your toilet regularly to ensure that there is no standing water in your toilet for a long time.When you see any signs of mold growth in your toilet, instead of being reluctant, be vigilant and remove it as soon as possible. Do not overlook or leave the treatment for later, because it only gets worse. If you wait too much, the structural problems may become irreparable which can prove to be very expensive.Bathrooms lack ventilation and have high humidity levels so it is only time before you notice mold growth in your bathroom if not the toilet if you do not clean it regularly.If you fail to prevent mold growth in your house, either contact professionals to help you with it or follow the below-mentioned natural ways to remove it yourself. In case you feel the situation is too much for you to handle, do not try to become a hero. Let experts take care of it.

How to Remove Mold

Don’t want mold to make its presence in your toilet?Follow basic toilet hygiene. While we hope you already clean your bathroom and toilet regularly, it is something that will help avoid the growth of mold.Now to clean the toilet mold, there are several ways you can clean it. To start with, we do not suggest you use any chemicals. While they are effective in removing the fungus, they can be as hazardous to your health as the mold.Precisely why you should avoid using any chemicals. You must be wondering, if not chemicals, how will you remove the mold in your toilet?The answer is simple.Home remedies.Yes, no need to rush to your nearest home improvement store to purchase different cleaning agents. There are several remedies that are already available in your house that can be used to remove molds. Here are some of the most common and effective ones.


We all know lemon is a great cleaning agent. It is highly acidic which makes it more effective in breaking the mold without leaving any stain behind. In addition, after the cleanse, it leaves you with a citrusy aroma.Lemon treatment is simple. Squeeze a couple of lemons over the mold. Let it breathe for 4-5 minutes. Then wipe it with a cloth. Some residue may be left behind. To remove that you may have to repeat this process a couple of times.


Vinegar is another cleaning agent that most of us use in our household. It is also commonly used as a disinfectant. White vinegar is the one you should use. It is acidic and works quite effectively as a mold remover. However, it may leave you with a foul smell but don’t worry it won’t last for a long time.Dilute vinegar using some water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray it over the infected area and let it settle for at least an hour. In the end, wipe it with a wet cloth and let it dry.

Baking Soda

This is another terrific cleaning agent that you must have used before. That is why it must not come as a surprise that you can use baking soda as a toilet mold remover. Anyways, instead of using toxic chemical agents, try baking soda. It not just cleans the mold but also sucks out the moisture from the surface.

Final Words

Mold can be a big menace especially when it attacks your toilet. That is why, if you witness any signs of toilet mold, act vigilantly. In case the situation has not gotten out of your hands, use the aforementioned home remedies to remove the mold from your toilet. Otherwise, it is best to contact professionals.


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