The secret is out HGTV is just Reality TV

remodelingThese days, it’s easy to get inside the housing process on an intimate level by watching the surplus of housing shows on TV. From buying a home, to decorating it, renovating or selling it. TV shows oversimplify the remodeling process, they’re based on fantasy, and some clients tend not to dwell on it. While we at Imagineer Remodeling have a slight addiction to HGTV, we need to reiterate that these are just shows, and really, they are not all that real.Many of our clients have decided to renovate rather than sell their existing homes. They love their location, neighbors and memories. Occasionally, they try it themselves as they have seen on TV. We respect the need to customize your home to your needs, but would like to advise you do your homework and understand the process, time and money a renovation really takes. We suggest contacting a professional licensed contractor, or an architectural designer to get their opinion on what can be done to your home.

The more you know, the easier it will make the process.

Also, please understand that these shows don't give a complete picture of a typical home renovation project. A lot of steps in the home remodeling process get left out since obviously it would be “boring” for TV.Some of the “boring steps” that are usually left out include the research on the homeowners renovation needs, consulting and drawing plans with architects and engineers on structural issues, getting estimates from multiple contractors, choosing one and getting permits if needed from local building officials, all of which can add months to a project.The home renovation costs shown on these shows are also completely inaccurate. Costs vary significantly by geographic area. Materials and labor costs vary by state and city. As great as these shows are for inspiration and motivation on home transformation, do make sure you plan and prepare well before of starting your project.

Spoiler alert: Remodeling on TV isn’t real.

We wanted to set the record straight on some of the common misconceptions and expectations that these shows can perpetuate and prepare you to use discernment when viewing them.Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Usually your home will not look like a million dollar magazine cover story when it's finished. Your home will be covered in dust and will need a major cleanup.
  • Don’t forget that adding the right furniture and accessories will make any home look like a magazine cover story. And remember that even on TV those accessories don't come with a renovation job.
  • Project timeline – Not all contractors show up on time and work into the night to get the job done by deadline. Consider that a dream, most contractors are busy with several projects at a time and will prioritize accordingly.
  • Changing flooring, finishes and layouts can transform an ugly house. Like we didn’t know that.
  • A major home renovation project can’t be done in 60 minutes! It’s just not possible. Real-life renovations will take considerably longer than they do on TV.
  • The stress of a major home renovation can bring homeowners to breakdown.
  • Project budget – The biggest misconceptions on TV are in the time and expense required to build or remodel house.

All home remodeling projects (big or small) require a timeline and budget. So if you’re considering tackling a project yourself, do your research to make sure you can handle it. You may end up spending more time and money to repair your mistakes than if you had hired a pro to begin with. Nevertheless, it’s vital to understand that home remodeling projects aren’t always as dazzling as home improvement shows make them be.Imagineer Remodeling is available to help educate you through the remodeling process, what is entailed and how much it will cost. We encourage our clients to do their homework. The more homework you prepare, the better your home remodeling experience will be.

Remodeling is messy.

Let Imagineer Remodeling help you take care of everything

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