Press: Imagineer Remodeling Joins 'Best Buys' TV Show Family

[vc_row][vc_column][gem_youtube video_id="iLkTy5501W0"][vc_column_text]Imagineer Remodeling is now part of the Best Buys TV Show family with Alan Mendelson on KCAL9. Best Buys features the best businesses in Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County that can help save you big bucks and get the most for "your money." Best Buys TV is the most watched shopping and consumer information show in Southern California and we are honored to be a part of this program.

Imagineer Remodeling and Alan Mendelson

Watch our Best Buys TV Show segment above or on YouTube and read Mendelson's Best Buy Report



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