Great Ways to Update Your House This Spring

Spring ushers in sunshine and flowers after a long period of gloom. As such, it is a great idea to upgrade your house. Get rid of the gloom and darker colors in the house and usher in the spring in style. The good thing with this is, you do not have to break your bank to do it. You can still make something out of spring on a budget. Here are a couple of ideas you can use for your home this spring:

Bring in Some Fresh Flowers

Nothing says springtime better than fresh flowers. After all the cold that made it impossible to grow anything, flowers are now in full bloom. Bringing these into your home will also bring in a sense of sunshine. You can have a bunch for a couple of days before you have to switch them up. If your backyard has space, plant a couple of flowers for yourself, so you do not have to keep buying flowers each time your bunch dries up.

Add Bright Colors Around the House

Nothing says spring better than bright colors. Ditch your dark curtains for brighter sheers that will let the sunshine in. There is no reason for you to stay in a dark room anymore. Change your throw pillow covers to brighter shades that are a great symbol of spring. You can also change your table runners to brighter shades. Add a splash of color around the house and get rid of the dull and grey colors that remind you of winter.

Change the Candles

Wintertime is denoted by cinnamon and spicy scented candles. Now that it’s spring, you can switch these up as well. There are many minty and floral scents in the market that you can use around the home. The scents will remind you of sunshine and flowers all through the spring season.

Get Lighter Throw Pillows

While you might have spent all winter in furry throws, spring is slightly warmer. Replace the heavy throws on your seats with lighter and brighter throws for nights that might get a bit chilly. In doing so, you still stay toasty but with more season-appropriate throws.

Paint Over the House

The greatest way to give your home a renovation is by painting. It is a great DIY project, and the whole house will look brand new in no time. Pick out your favorite bright colors, get a couple of brushes and overalls, and you are good to go. You can do this with your family, which can be a great project for everyone.

Fix Your Porch Chairs

You have spent a lot of time indoors and might want to sit outside now that the weather is friendlier. Chances are, your porch furniture has been neglected all this while. To ensure you can relax outside comfortably, check on your furniture and repair them. It might be as simple as upholstering them or repainting them. Doing this will ensure you lounge in peace.

Add Greenery To the House

Since the weather is more plant-friendly, you can introduce a couple of plants in the house. Add some potted plants to the windowsill or some plants in the bathroom. The extra greenery will make the house look more colorful and take away the winter gloom.

Update Your Lighting

If you still have the old lighting fixtures from a decade ago, it is high time to swap them out. You can get new chandeliers and add LED bulbs to your home. The lights will not only look nice but also save money you spend on electric bills. The chandeliers will give your house a whole new look, which is a welcome change from the old fixtures you had in the home.

Repair Appliances

If you have been putting off any appliance repairs, this is the best time to do them. There are so many benefits of appliance repair. You will have efficiently working appliances and save on bills that accumulate when your appliance uses up more energy. Get a professional to help you out with these repairs.Spring is a great time to upgrade your home as you usher in the new season, you also usher in great opportunities. These few ideas are a great way to start your spring on a high note.


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