Energy Efficient Materials for Upgrading Your Home

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“Going Green” With Energy-Efficient Home Building Materials

[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="27"][vc_column_text]‘Renovation’ is a scary word and an expensive undertaking that involves a lot of work. We all have wonderful ideas when it comes to remodeling our home, but sometimes an upgrade is unavoidable because of a leaky roof or a crack in the house’s foundation. As industry and science progress every day, more and more options are laid in front of us, in this case in terms of material. However, no matter the number of choices, there are certain solutions which help us more than others. If we could save money over time because we made a smart investment, why not?[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="74"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1557339180246{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height="yes" css=".vc_custom_1457706868588{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}"][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1557339245163{padding-top: 400px !important;background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1492720050089{padding-top: 75px !important;padding-right: 40px !important;padding-left: 40px !important;}"][gem_divider margin_top="43"][vc_column_text]

Cool Roofing

[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="27"][vc_column_text]Having been around for a decade or so, Cool roofing technology has shown how it reduces the electricity bill around summer. If an air-conditioner helps cool the air during a blazing heat wave, this type of roof doesn’t allow the heat to enter in the first place. A type of pigment, this coating can be applied to most roofs. It reflects sunlight back into the atmosphere, and in sunny areas, this is especially worth the money.[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="94"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height="yes" css=".vc_custom_1457706868588{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}"][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1457706737265{padding-right: 40px !important;padding-left: 40px !important;background-color: #f5f7f6 !important;}"][gem_divider margin_top="43"][vc_column_text]


[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="27"][vc_column_text]Plastic is an efficient, affordable and trustworthy material which finds use in, for instance, plumbing and insulation. In fact, these days plastic is one of the most popular materials in construction when energy-efficiency is in mind; Foam PVC would be a perfect example. Heat is kept outside during the summer, and when winter comes around the walls act as a cage, keeping the warmth inside.When acquired from a trusted source, plastic is a long-lasting resource with a minimal need for maintenance. Thus, it is important to recognize quality and this is why places like Plastic Wholesale can point us in the right direction. They have an important role to play in providing top-notch plastic for our various needs so that precious time and money can be saved.[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="74"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1557339423639{padding-top: 400px !important;background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height="yes" css=".vc_custom_1457706868588{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}"][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1557338992647{padding-top: 400px !important;background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1492720050089{padding-top: 75px !important;padding-right: 40px !important;padding-left: 40px !important;}"][gem_divider margin_top="43"][vc_column_text]

Recycled Steel

[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="27"][vc_column_text]While wood beams hold the structure safely together, there exists an alternative to taking down a few dozen trees. You wouldn’t believe how many cars are scrapped each year, thus we have no lack of material and expenses are shortened. Along the way, the upgrade to structure durability is immense, which is particularly important in windy and stormy areas. Even if damage occurs and there comes a need for change, this is why we chose recyclable material in the first place. There is no loss, as it can be repurposed, and it is cheap to find a substitute.[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="74"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height="yes" css=".vc_custom_1457706868588{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}"][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1457706737265{padding-right: 40px !important;padding-left: 40px !important;background-color: #f5f7f6 !important;}"][gem_divider margin_top="43"][vc_column_text]

Low-E Windows

[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="27"][vc_column_text]In regards to the topic of energy efficiency, it is just recently that low-E, or low emissivity windows, have come into the limelight. A special type of coating that can be applied on the outside of a window or between layers of glass, it helps regulate temperature during summer and winter to a wonderful degree. While costing a bit more than ordinary run-of-the-mill windows, Low-E protection saves energy and money, all while being as economical as possible.[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="74"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1557339520839{padding-top: 400px !important;background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height="yes" css=".vc_custom_1457706868588{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}"][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1557339096067{padding-top: 400px !important;background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1492720050089{padding-top: 75px !important;padding-right: 40px !important;padding-left: 40px !important;}"][gem_divider margin_top="43"][vc_column_text]

Vegetative Roofing Systems (‘Green’ Roofs)

[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="27"][vc_column_text]This type of ‘living roof’ became popular after it had been discovered how much water can be saved and efficiently used, among several other important reasons. Absorbing rainwater, filtering air and simply being aesthetically pleasing. Green roofs affect the chaotic atmosphere of a city and have a part to play in reducing stress. Any water that is over capacity and can’t be absorbed is drained and filtered to find later use.To sum up, there are a few options that stand out, and we are being offered new ones each day. Getting involved and researching the topic might eat up a lot of time, but if we want to be satisfied with the outcome we had planned at the beginning, it’s definitely worth the effort.[/vc_column_text][gem_divider margin_top="74"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_placement="middle"][vc_column][gem_fullwidth container="1" background_color="#404041" padding_top="65" padding_bottom="55"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner offset="vc_col-lg-8 vc_col-md-6"][vc_column_text css_animation="top-to-bottom" css=".vc_custom_1550097129993{padding-top: 25px !important;}"]

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