DIY Home Organization Renovation

The DIY Renovation from ClutterIf you are not too capricious about the outlook of your home and the idea of a slightly raggedy, or shabby-looking décor appeals to you, then there is no need to spend too much money on your home renovation when all the materials you need are basically waiting for you in your garage, cellar, or attic.There are so many items there that are usually begging for a call to the salvation army or Goodwill, but you can actually make use of these items, winning on all sides of the field. You can:

  1. Save money on the organization renovation of your home.
  2. Save money on a waste clearance services.
  3. De-clutter, organize and make more space at home.

DIY Home Organization Renovation Steps

All you need to do is apply some creativity and diligence and you will see how far this will get you. Here are the steps for that:

De-Clutter & Organize 

Now is the time to dig deep into the clutter of your garage, cellar, and attic. You should literally take out everything and arrange it in two piles: one for all the items that can be reused, and one for the items that you have no use for and should only be a subject to junk disposal. Be ruthless. You can’t get rid of clutter if you linger on every item and think about its sentimental value, gathered along with the dust. It’s probably the healthiest and safest option as well, as most of the stored items in these rooms are basically a fire hazard.

Get Creative

Now, think about all the ways you can use the items you didn’t set aside for rubbish clearance. You should have quite a few, so here are some random ideas you can implement for some of them:

  • Crates: They can be turned into shelves and shelf cases. They can be recycling storage systems just by adding a trash bag to them. They can be nailed together at the bottom and turned into a coffee table. Fill one up by adding a soft upper layer and they can become an ottoman.
  • Corks: They can be turned into coasters. You can cut them in half to make a corkboard for notes and messages. They can be made into stamps, or turned into fridge magnets, or a trivet for your hot pot.
  • Tires: They can be swings for your children. You can turn them into planters for the garden. If you have enough, you can make an obstacle course in the lawn.
  • Old tools: Hammers and spanners can become hangers. Ladders can become hangers and shelves, or a wall frame for pictures.
  • Old clothes / sheets: All of them can be recycled into rags, sewn into shower curtains, remade into different pieces of clothing or bags, or even pillow cases, or just about any cloth casing you can think of.

The DIY Renovation from Clutter2Creating DIY projects from a home de-cluttering project can seem quite eccentric. This will be the first thing that guests will notice and point out. But this is all related to having your own style, saving money on waste clearance and making a brand new home decor without an interior designer and without actually dumping half the home’s contents in a skip hire. Not to mention that you’ll get a chance to stimulate your imagination and even gain a few points in handiness. Try it out – the interior designer can always be your “plan B.”Our friends at Top Reveal wrote a complete, comprehensive guide detailing more fantastically simple ideas to organize your home. Read it here.


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