8 Ways to Bring More Natural Light into Your Home

No one wants to live in a dark, gloomy atmosphere. You may have the sudden urge to escape to the world of dark academia, but nevertheless, the majority of your time at home should be spent basking in as much natural light as possible.Let’s first see how bringing more natural light into your space will benefit you, and then we will explore eight ways to do it.

The Benefits of Natural Lighting

In case you need to be persuaded, here’s why it’s a good idea to bring as much natural light as possible into your home:

  • It will decrease your energy bill, making your home more energy efficient and reducing your carbon footprint.It will put you in a better mood. Natural light is the best source of vitamin D, which will make you feel better and more energized. This will keep you healthier overall, too.
  • You can reduce eye strain when working in natural lighting. It can also somewhat counteract the harmful effects of long-term screen exposure.
  • You will be more productive, as we tend to be more focused and energized when the weather is bright.

Note that too much sunlight can make you sleepy, especially if you sunbathe a lot. You can draw the blinds if you feel you’re getting a bit drowsy, especially if the weather has suddenly turned from gloomy to bright.Now, let’s look at ways to bring more sunlight into your home.

Add More Windows

The most obvious way to bring more natural light into a home is to replace wall space with windows. This may not always be possible, especially if you live in an apartment. If you live in a house, you may be able to either enlarge your existing windows or build new ones.Note that this is also the most costly way to get more light in a home, and the building work will take a lot of time.

Replace Windows

If your windows are old, damaged, or made of outdated materials, you may want to replace just the glass. This can be a great way to make your home more energy-efficient and brighter at the same time.Look into different types of window glass first, and decide what would work best for your specific needs. Do you want to reduce noise levels? Do you want to ensure passersby can’t see what you are up to?

Clean the Windows Regularly

If you choose to keep your current windows, the least you can do is clean them regularly. Giving them a thorough clean twice a year (in the fall and spring) should be enough to ensure they let in plenty of light.Don’t forget to also give them a regular wipe, especially if they tend to get grimy on the outside. If you live in a high-traffic area, you might want to do this as often as every weekend.

Add a (Patio) Door

If you have a patio or a garden, consider the door currently leading to it. Can you add more glass to it? Is there a way to perhaps create another door that will let more light in?If a room has very little sunlight, you can also consider getting rid of the wall dividing it from an adjacent room. This will again be a costly and time-consuming effort, but it can make all the difference. Don’t forget to make sure the door is completely secure.

Buy Sheer Curtains

Are the curtains you currently own heavy and don’t let a lot of light through? Replacing them with a more sheer fabric can make your space much lighter. Something in sheer white can look great in most rooms.Also, remember to wash the curtains regularly. The dust that accumulates in them can prevent some of the light from pouring in.If you don’t have blinds or prefer to use blackout curtains, you can install them over the sheer ones and only draw them at night.

Choose Light Colors for the Walls, Floors, and Furniture

The darker the items in a room, the less light they will reflect. If you have dark walls, the room will be infinitely darker, as the sunlight will have nothing to bounce off of.If you want to bring more light into a space, paint the walls a light color. Whites, off-whites, and beiges can work very well. Even a cool gray or a light, pastel color can do.You can also add a light rug or carpet to a room with particularly dark floors.If your furniture is made of a dark color or a dark wood, consider repainting it with something lighter and more reflective.

Add More Mirrors

Mirrors will make any room feel bigger and lighter, especially if you place them strategically. They can brighten up hallways or a bathroom, but they work well in large spaces, too.Place them so that they easily catch and reflect sunlight. They can serve as a great accent point over fireplaces or combined with photos or art on your walls.Rather than having just one large reflective surface, consider adding numerous small mirrors around the room. That way, they can reflect light off each other.

Remove Everything Blocking Natural Light

Consider whether there is anything in your space that is currently blocking the light. Is there a large plant near the window? Are the blinds hindering the sunlight? Can you move a piece of furniture? Is a bookshelf too close to the source of light?Take a look at your garden, too, and see if there are any shrubs or trees that you might need to prune or even relocate. Keeping your garden tidy can help you attract more sunlight into your space.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know how you can more easily bring natural light into your home, take the time to look around and see what small (or major) changes you can make around the space. Sometimes, even the smallest additions can make the biggest impact.


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