7 Considerations When Remodeling Your Home's Exterior

There's a ton to consider when remodeling a home. If it's an investment property, you're trying to maximize returns. But, if you're living there, your mind might be elsewhere. Here are a few things to keep in mind while remodeling, either way.

Decide Which Type of Siding You'd Like

Siding has probably the largest impact on your home's appearance out of everything. When redoing the exterior, we'd start there if you want to make the biggest impact. Simple wooden panels would make a huge difference in the right neighborhood.So, take a look around at what's popular with your neighbors before making any decisions. Usually, you can get an idea of what's viable by looking at homes nearby. After you've seen a few of them, pick out whatever was your favorite.Then, emulate their style while you're putting new siding on your place. We've found fiber cement siding to be worthwhile, too. It's durable enough to withstand stormy weather without getting a scratch.

Add Some Protection to the Gutters

A set of 5-inch gutter guards would be perfect. By putting them in your gutters, they'll stop anything from getting stuck in them. That way, there's always a clear path to the downspout when it's wet out.By installing them, you'll have less maintenance work at the end of the fall. Since there's less stuff getting in there, there's less to remove as well. Even your home's water damage risk decreases after installing them.

Install a Few Colorful Shutters

Highlight the home's new siding with an arrangement of colorful shutters. Framed by vibrant beauty, your windows become portals to another world. Of course, there are practical considerations while shutter shopping, too.A pair of lackadaisical boards won't look right on a mid-century modern. That's why we're always trying to find stuff in a similar style. Even if it's colorful, it needs to match the siding.

Consider Replacing the Roof With New Material

Perhaps, you're somewhere with a desert aesthetic. In that case, a stucco roof would look perfect. However, something metal would look better if you're next to the mountains.Either way, replacing the roof is what you have to do as a homeowner. It only lasts so long in the first place. So, consider picking a material that would complement your house.

Resurface the Driveway

Even if you don't pay attention, a cracked driveway detracts from your curb appeal. Plus, if there is a crack on the driveway, it's not expensive to fix. Most hardware stores sell cement mix, so go pick some up. Mix it together at home and use it to fill in the cracks.Once it's done hardening, it should look much better. Plus, it stops cracks from spreading further down the driveway, prolonging its lifespan. That way, you won't have to replace everything in the near future.

Upgrade Your Home's Entryways

After the siding and windows, your doors are next on the list. If you live somewhere busy, we'd recommend installing iron arches.They can put them in front of the regular door as an aesthetic addition. Plus, once it's in place, it's also a security device. Since it's stronger than wood, it's way harder to get through iron doors.

Surround the Backyard With Stylish Fencing

We've all heard about the white picket fence you're supposed to put around the yard. But, there are plenty of other styles to choose from when picking a fence.Try putting an iron one around the backyard to see how it would look back there. For us, iron has a classic appeal that's tough to beat with anything else. It'll last a long time, too. So, once you've invested in it once, it won't happen again for a while.

How to Remodel Your Home's Exterior

Remodeling a home can be something you're doing to improve the property value. Or, you may be transforming it into the home of your dreams. Either way, there are tons of approaches to use on this project. None of them are better than the others. So, pick whichever is your favorite.Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash


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