5 Things New Homeowners Should Do Before Moving In

Moving into your first home is an exciting milestone for most people. However, throwing in the typical stressors of moving, such as packing, unpacking, cleaning, and so on, can also be overwhelming. For first-time homebuyers, purchasing a property can feel like a challenge rather than an opportunity.After all, there are so many moving parts that it can be challenging to know where to begin. As such, even if you have been excited about buying a home for quite some time now, the actual process of making that dream come true can be rather unexpected. Fortunately, some excellent resources help make the transition as smooth as possible. From learning about what to do before signing on the dotted line to understanding what documents you will need before closing on your new place, these tips will assist you in making this new phase of your life as stress-free as possible:

Complete Walkthrough

Before buying a new home, you may consider doing a thorough walkthrough of the residence. This way, you can see potential problems and address them before they become significant issues. While this may sound like a hassle, it can be pretty beneficial.The overall goal is to ensure that all your questions are answered. It also eliminates big surprises at the close of escrow. Besides, this will give both you and the seller time to make any necessary repairs before moving in.

Document Everything

New homeowners need to remember that documentation is their friend. They must take pictures or video footage of everything associated with the property, including any existing damages or problems. From that, they will have an accurate account of what they buy. In addition, recording things such as conversations with the seller will prove to be quite valuable later on. Documenting also means sellers cannot back out of their promises and try to deceive new homeowners.It would help if you also got warranties from experts on any major repairs you need. If anything goes wrong, you can seek compensation for your losses.

Ensure Utilities are Set Up

Before moving into your new home, see that everything is okay and ready to go. That way, you can get right to work with your daily schedule and not have to deal with the stress of not having water or electricity. Also, check if you need new bills or payments set up. Even as you check the utilities, consider assessing furnace reviews of the current furnace that is in the home from the previous owners. This way you can gauge whether or not you need to purchase a new one.That way, you can also prepare your monthly budget before the first bill arrives. Also, talk to the local waste management facility about how to dispose of different types of waste. Engaging with them will determine whether the property was listed for garbage collection.

Get a Home Warranty Plan

It does not matter how beautiful or new your home is; it can be broken anytime. That is why it is recommended that you get a home warranty plan. With this, you can get the repairs done to your home at any time and not have to worry about costs. The plan will also help in cases where the contractor you hire to handle your repairs fails to do a good job. As long as they are licensed and insured, they should be compensated by your plan. They will also be reimbursed for all losses. The home warranty plan is also suitable for cases where you might lose your deposits.

Test Fire Alarms

The other thing you need to consider is the fire alarm. You should test the alarm before moving in. Make sure the alarm is working by setting off the smoke detector. If it works as expected, you should be able to get a warranty on it. Typically, you will get a year or two. If it doesn't work as anticipated, you will get an opportunity to replace it before your warranty runs out.Replace the alarm if it is malfunctioning because, most of the time, that is what causes false alarms in the first place. It can also save the cost of repeated false alarms and fire department fees. Fire alarms are crucial for your home; make sure to test them often and replace them when needed to be in good condition when an emergency strike.

Take Away

As a homeowner, there are several things you need to take care of before moving into the new home. Some of them are pretty important, but having a home warranty plan may take care of some things you tend to ignore.


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