5 Steps to Designing Your Perfect Home Kitchen

Are you thinking of renovating, remodeling, or redesigning your kitchen? There must be lots of questions running in your mind. When it comes to designing a perfect home kitchen, the most important things to consider are the contractor you will hire and the amount you are planning to spend. If anything, the best design will require that you dig deeper into your pockets.Here are the five steps you should follow to ensure you get the perfect design for your home kitchen.

Visualize Your Dream Kitchen

Every design idea comes from visualization. Whether you are designing a new kitchen or you are reworking your kitchen to give it a new look, you must have a visual image of what you expect. If you can have a sketch on a piece of paper, the better. Just sit down and try to imagine the type of kitchen you want, what fixtures to have in the kitchen, and what should go where. Be they the sinks, Isenberg faucets, drawers, shelves, etc.If you cannot come up with a good design on your own, you can go online and search for ideas. You can as well use home magazines to get perfect designs for your kitchen.Another way to go about it is to discuss it with a designer. Explain to him what you have in mind so he can reproduce your imagination on a piece of paper. A designer can as well have different ready designs that you can choose from.

Decide On the Size of the Kitchen

The size of your kitchen should be such that it can accommodate all your kitchen fixtures and still leave enough working space. A tiny kitchen isn’t comfortable to work in and can increase the chances n an accident occurring.Appliances should be 4 - 9 feet apart. Anything less or more would look weird. If you have a large distance between appliances, you’ll spend a lot of energy moving from one appliance to another. This will cause a lot of inconvenience.Also, ensure that appliances and fixtures are kept along the wall. This will leave enough space for movements and also ensure the kitchen is safe.

Consider Colors

When designing a kitchen, its aesthetic value is paramount. So, you need to consider which colors you’ll use on the floor, cabinets, countertops, and walls. Using the same color throughout may look monotonous. So it’s best to choose a combination of colors that can exist harmoniously.You can even mix bright and dark colors to create an attractive contrast. This also goes to lighting. Choose lights that can bring a cool ambiance in your kitchen. Very bright colors may not work well, neither do you need to have dull colors.Choose a style that can give you an inviting atmosphere. Choosing backsplashes and countertops is easy. If you have a small kitchen, an even-toned countertop may work best. Having a countertop with too many spots or grain can cause a cluttered appearance. If your kitchen is large, you can have a multi-toed backlash or countertop.

Make Good Use of the Size of Your Kitchen

Your kitchen size will determine how the appliances and the cabinets will be laid out and even their sizes. If you have a small kitchen space, consider buying smaller appliances, and all make your fixtures smaller. Having huge cabinets in a small kitchen will leave you only with a small area to operate on.Again, having small cabinets in a big kitchen will make it look awkward. Also, think about having a smart kitchen to improve the safety of your kitchen.

Hire Experts to Do the Job

In an attempt to keep costs down, you might be tempted to do things on your own. This can prove overwhelming, and you may end up not getting the results you expected. Even if you could do a wonderful job, you may have a lot in your hands to take care of. For this and many other reasons, you need to let experts handle the job.The experts have several years of experience, and they will help you right from the inception stage, through to the design, and finally to the implementation stage. You can shop around for a contractor with affordable rates but are experienced enough to work on your project.Your kitchen is an important part of your house, and it needs to be perfect. This is where food gets prepared, so it should be designed in a way that ensures you and your family are safe and healthy.


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