12 Ways to Create an Enchanting Outdoor Space

Spring is finally here! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and spending time indoors is just not cutting it. You want to have a nice outdoor area where you can drink your morning coffee or evening tea, spend time with your family and friends, or simply chill and enjoy some fresh air and all the colors of the day. And who wouldn’t want that — it sounds magical!So let’s see how we can realize that dream of having an enchanting outdoor space.

Flower Walls

We all want some privacy, but you don’t have to go for a standard fence. Flower walls are an amazing idea that will add that magical touch and still give you privacy. You can plant hydrangeas, as they grow tall and bushy, and you’ll have a living green wall. They also work as a noise buffer, so you’ll also have a quiet place to reset.

Install a Pergola

Is there anything more enchanting than flowers covering your pergola? You can choose wisteria or bougainvillea that will trail along the framework. You can also add some fairy lights, comfortable furniture, and a few extra pillows, and you’ll create this little piece of heaven in your own backyard. It will also protect you from the sun during hot summer days.

Hang Tree Lanterns

These are the perfect idea for evening hangouts in the garden. It will make it even more magical and will definitely make you enjoy spending time there so much more. You can also add some string lights, low lamps, or chic chandeliers — because, let’s be honest, there’s never enough light.Always go for warmer tones to reflect the sun’s warmth. If you want to be more eco-friendly, there are solar light options that are equally beautiful.

Get a Fire Pit

Another thing that can make the evenings even cozier is the outdoor fire pit. You can add a few chairs or a sitting area around it, plus some blankets, and you’ll have the perfect area for chilly evenings and roasted marshmallows. There are also some beautiful outdoor fireplaces that can make your backyard look stunning.

Add a Water Feature

Whether it’s a fountain, waterfall, or koi pond, the water feature is a classic centerpiece of any outdoor space. It will bring peace and serenity to your garden and to you as well. There’s something healing in the sound and presence of water — as Octavio Paz said, “The sound of water is worth more than all the poets’ words.”

Plants, Plants, and More Plants

Plants are an essential part of every garden — the more, the merrier! It’s always recommended to use native plants in order to have a luscious garden. Those plants are going to thrive in their natural habitat, and you’re not going to have to do much in terms of maintenance. It’s a win-win situation for you and your garden. You can add shrubs, trees, and flowers that will bloom all year round.

Plant a Rose Garden

If you want to save on yard work in the long run, having one type of flower is the best option. It might sound boring because there are so many flowers to choose from, but there is something quite enchanting in having just roses planted in your garden. It will give your garden some Alice in Wonderland vibes, and with a nice dining table and little teacup decor, it can look quite whimsical.

Get Creative with the Shed

The shed is usually used as a storage space, but it can be so much more. Imagine having an outdoor library or an office if you’re working from home. Or simply an extra bedroom for people to stay in when they come over. It can be so many things! You can add a splash of color, make an amazing pathway to it surrounded by lavender, and even add a glass door that can open to the garden and become a part of it.

Add Some Color

Who doesn’t love some color?! You can incorporate it by planting different flowers or simply by painting your exterior walls. Think about having colorful outdoor furniture or pillows. You can include some interesting decor and add to the magic of the place.

Rethink the Lawn

When you think about a lawn, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably a clean green surface that needs maintenance every couple of days. You can always opt for gravel and create that clean, low-maintenance aesthetic. But have you ever considered eco-friendly lawns?For example, your lawn space can be in the form of a wildflower meadow. It will attract all kinds of bugs and bees and make it even more enchanted. This time, you’ll have more of a Cinderella vibe.

Consider Outdoor Mirrors

Why not?An outdoor mirror will reflect your garden and look like a portal into another world. It can also be used to reflect sunlight to the parts of the garden that don’t get enough natural exposure. But It’s important to know that mirrors should not be positioned in direct sunlight if they are reflecting onto combustible items. Safety first!

Add a Touch of Zen

Peace and serenity are things that everybody needs in this hectic thing called life. And you can have it by simply creating a place in your garden with just sand, granite, and gravel. You can use a rake to create different patterns and change them from time to time so that your garden always looks new. It can be a form of meditation, which you can also practice near a water feature or in a designated place (in a secluded corner or in the shrubs, for example). It will become your personal touch of calm.

Wrapping up

Creating an enchanting outdoor space for yourself will benefit you in so many ways. Simply having a cozy space to relax and reflect is a thing to be treasured. And you don’t necessarily need a professional to do it, just an idea and a little bit of will. So let’s get started!


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